Saturday, August 7, 2010

Tis' time for the Faire.....

Here we are in one of the promo shots goofing off.
Since we were only doing shots from the waist up, we decided we didn't need pants. Afterall, it was in the 90's.
Who says old folks don't have a sense of humor?
We'll be fully clothed for the performance, however. As much as the Faire allows "things" to hang out, they frown upon not wearing britches...


  1. Yeah, I'm having trouble getting away with that one these days as well...

  2. Hahahahaha!!!!!
    Besides, it's pretty uncomfortable getting bit down there. ;)

  3. LOL!! I've wondered what the new-casters are wearing behind that desk too--And thanks to you, now I know! :-)
