Saturday, June 23, 2012

Missing you already...

Just a pop in and a brief update on the happenings here at the homestead.

In a little over two weeks, hubster and I will be leaving our beloved Narnia.  As I sit here and type, I am surrounded by the boxes and the memories.

This move was a decision - a very hard decision.

We shaped this place to be our sanctuary, our little piece of heaven, but, we both felt we didn't have the time to give this place the attention it deserves.  It is a private, nature laden retreat.  It has given us joy that I could never rightly express in words.  The magic of this place and the two hearts that have nurtured it know it is time for young hearts, and, young hearts with dreams and aspirations will now be the keepers of Narnia.  My hope for them is that they, too, will feel the magic of this place.  That when they go out in the morning to feed the chickens that they will stop, take a breath, look around and let the beauty stir from the ground to their souls.

My heart is heavy beyond words, but, excited for the future.  My future, the new keepers of Narnia's future.  It will all become ours in the end.  Magic has a way of doing that.

Enjoy the rest of your weekend, y'all.  Go out on your plot of ground and tell it how much you appreciate it.



  1. Such big changes, Toni! Moving is a big deal at the best of times, and it sounds like this move is a hard one. I wish you peace and joy and music in your heart as you find your way to your new home!

  2. I never, ever go to Brunswick and not think of you--I have missed your posts. I know the decision to leave your beloved Narnia was a difficult one, but I've no doubt that your journey and your life is meant to go in another direction. I hope you'll let us know where you are and how you're doing--Even though we've never met, I feel like we have. All the best to you as you start a new and exciting chapter in your life!!!

  3. *hugs* Toni. I know how you feel.
    We are in the process of retirement and moving ourselves.
    I wish you all the best in this move, Toni. *hugs* and blessings. ♥

  4. Aw Toni. Such a tough decision, such a tough move. I know you'll thrive though, wherever you and and whatever you're doing.
