Thank you for the memories. I am no longer an active blogger. Peace and blessing to all.
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
A new chapter.....

Monday, September 27, 2010
The gift of a precious resource.....
It's approaching garlic planting time here and I still need to do some soil ammendments before I even think of putting these lovelies in the ground.
I couldn't decide what type of garlic I wanted, so, I got a variety pack. I'll give a verdict next year as to which one I like best.
I still have all of my fall gardening chores to do - re: clean-up, etc. We're also hoping to have the time in the next month to get the greenhouse put together. October is shaping up to be a more relaxed month around the homestead and quite frankly, I'm glad. September was a bit of a zoo with activities outside of being home.
I'm just about done processing the pumpkins. Whew! What a job! I did change to steaming the pumpkin rather than baking it just because it is a lot faster! While a batch is steaming, I can cut up the next bunch plus get the meat off the last batch I just processed. I've got eleven pumpkins left, so, I'm figuring another two hours and they'll be done. I'll have plenty of pumpkin puree for myself and some to share with friends. I love when I can share my surplus with friends and family. It doesn't get any more local than this.
Well, I guess it's back to the ol' grindstone. Pumpkin puree won't pay the governer.... ;-)
Friday, September 24, 2010
Peaceful Fridays.....
Thursday, September 23, 2010
Wishing I was there.....#2
The view from Diamond Hill in Connemara National Park.
A good stretch of the legs in the brisk, morning air.
Nothing but peace and quiet surround you.
How can you not fall in love with this beautiful place?
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
Life in rural areas....
Today is one of my travel days into the main office I contract with and with that being said, it means an hour and a half drive into the office. I won't lie - I usually dread the drive, especially once I leave my county and get closer to the city. But, today, someone smiled upon me. Or, maybe my inner goddess was nudging me internally to open my eyes really wide.
Twice today I had to pull over to let combines pass by on the road. I waited patiently for these huge machines to manipulate their way around cars, telephone and electricity poles, mail boxes, and other incidentals that border the tarmac. They and their drivers amaze me. I cannot help but smile when the pass and the only rational explanation I have is that deep down inside me they rouse a reminder to slow down and look around. And, I did just that on the remainder of my ride into the city - windows down on the last day of summer, enjoying the smell of fresh cut grass and fodder. No CD in the player, nothing on the radio, just the wind in my ear with the occasional sound of another vehicle passing. It was almost bliss. I told myself that on the arduous drive home I would do the same. I wasn't disappointed.
Up in the sky was a colorful hot air balloon slowly moving with the wind current. Whoever it was in the balloon was probably doing the same thing I was but from a different vantage point. It was gliding over open farm land on a beautiful evening un-obstructed from traffic lines and bumper to bumper vehicles. Through the curves of the road I was able to keep it in sight for about 15 minutes. Again, I smiled. It was a wonderful way to end a cruddy day stuck inside under artificial lights, ringing telephones, and a demanding work load.
After I got home, I sat in my car for just a few more of those peaceful moments and thought to myself - where else other than life in rural areas will you start your day with combines, green and brown fields, and the smell of fresh cut fodder then end your day imagining you could float above these fields in a hot air dream....
I've been a city girl, a villager, and a country girl. All have a special place in my heart, but, none as such as life in a rural area.
Monday, September 20, 2010
Holding on.....
Friday, September 17, 2010
Thursday, September 16, 2010
Sunday, September 12, 2010
Punkin' processing....
Once roasted, remove from oven and let cool enough until you can handle them. Peel the rind/skin off and then cut the flesh for processing in your food processor, blender, or if you're feeling really strong, your potato masher.
The puree should look something like this.
I add one more step which I did not take a picture of. I take the puree and put it in a strainer on top of a bowl or other large container to catch the excess water and let it sit in the fridge overnight to drain. The next day, freeze as you wish in either freezer bags or containers.
I freeze in variety of sizes so I can just pull one out of the freezer for baking, soup, etc.
Like I mentioned before, we've got a ways yet to go.
I see muffins in my near future!
Friday, September 10, 2010
Peaceful Fridays.....
Thursday, September 9, 2010
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
Flora at the homestead - the video.....
Grab a cuppa and enjoy GardenChickMusic's first production....