Thank you for the memories. I am no longer an active blogger. Peace and blessing to all.
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
These become....
3 C. grated zucchini
1 C. grated cheese - your choice, but hard cheeses work best
4 eggs
1 medium onion chopped
1/4 C. vegetable oil
1 C. bisquick - lowfat works too
salt and pepper to taste
Mix all together and bake in a 350 degree oven in a greased casserole dish or glass pie plate for approx. 45 minutes
Now the great part of this recipe is you can add all kinds of goodies if you like. You may have to adjust your baking time a little depending on your additions.
I've done this with cubed ham, other veggies, and different spices added to the basic recipe and they are all good!
It's a quick week night dish and a slice of this with a small salad makes a nice, light dinner.
So, if you're looking for 101 things to do with zucchini, add this one to the list.
Friday, June 25, 2010
Not so Peaceful Friday.....
This morning's round of chores led to a dead hen. Just one more thing in the battery of "what else" can happen around the homestead.
We're not sure what the cause of death really is, but, I'm going with heat stress. We've been over the 90 degree mark for days on end and yesterday was 99 degrees with high humidity. There wasn't any indication of physical damage to the hen - she was just on her side - dead. All six hens were fine late yesterday to the best of my knowledge, but then, I wasn't looking for signs of heat stress. I'm feeling a little less than happy with myself right now. I should have been more attentive.
Just another lesson learned in the life of a homesteader.
Since the forecast is to be in the 90's for a least another 5 days, the hubster rigged a fan in one of the windows of the coop for better air circulation. I'm hoping this helps. I'll keep checking for signs of heat stress and if I notice any, I'll do what I can short of bringing them in the house for the dogs to eat.....
Now comes to problem number two. The new raised garden bed. We are having problems with leaf curl on the beans, tomato's, and grapes. Once again it may be due to stress, but, we've been careful with our watering ratio's so I don't think it's that. We're thinking it is something in the soil. We are going to have it tested to see what's going on and if there is any residual herbicide that may be in it. We bought a top soil/compost mix from a local landscape company and I probably should have asked where the soil and compost came from. Another lesson learned for this budding homesteader.
I guess I'll enjoy what I can while they are sharing their beauty.
Things have been quite chaotic around the homestead with some emergencies that have popped up that have us down to one of us driving and doing all the chores until all the rounds of testing are completed. We're okay, just being cautious and making sure we stay okay! It's just another lesson in life to remind you that everything could change in the blink of an eye and to revel in the joy of everyday - even on the days you find a dead hen, your gardens going to crap, the excessive heat continues to linger, rain is a thing of the past, your $600.00 vacum suddenly crapped out(that's a big deal in a multiple dog home), and you're so tired from daily work and chores that your knuckles are dragging on the ground by 8pm.
Okay, whine over. Now to try and go improve my nitric acid levels and raise my level of internal joy... but, I have to add before finish, I've missed my blogging rounds and reading what everyone has been up to. I've missed y'all and hopefully after the next couple of weeks things will calm down enough that I have the time and energy to catch up..
In the meantime,
Have a peaceful weekend, y'all................
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
Chicken memories.......
There has been a lot of chicken stories and debates on whether or not to get chickens that I decided to share my blog entry from last year about my first year with "the girls"..
You can read it if you like here...
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
How we spend our summers.....
(Warning for the over 50's age group - the sound of the water will make you have to pee)
The deck on the left is the place to go to relax in the hot tub. When you come out, sit at the table and enjoy the peat burning in the chiminea and dream of the Emerald Isle!
Once you're totally relaxed, hubster will be on the middle deck grilling up a storm! Ribs, chicken, filet - he'll grill it and you'll feel good about eating it because it's all local and grass fed!
Tea lights surround you on all the deck railings - because after all, it's all about "the mood"...
We're glad you stopped on by. Just remember, we only have one spare bedroom so we'll have to take y'all on shifts!
Monday, June 14, 2010
Friday, June 11, 2010
Peaceful Fridays.....

Hubsters and I will be putting some time in for the morning and then will go stroll the grounds and take in the wonderful music, vendors , and clans. Once we tire of that, we'll strap on the instruments and hike over to the session tent to play some tunes!
If your around the area and want to hear some great music (our favorite players, Liz Carroll and John Doyle will be performing) I highly suggest this festival in Leesburg, Virginia.
Your choice, of course, on the contents of the bottle you choose!
Have a peaceful weekend, y'all...............
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
Love your peaches.....
At least that't what Donovan sang. Me, I'll just wait for Ms. Georgia Belle above to grant me permission to pick her sweet, juicy fruits.
Sunday, June 6, 2010
Herbs and fungus potato.....
However, the lavender and a small amount of rosemary I had started lucked out and obviously went off sometime during the day to find some shade.
So, that's the big tour of the herbs. If I get inspired, I'll probably restart some of the others I lost.
So, after receiving the seed potato's, the well intended gardener dutifully put them out to grow eyes and lovingly returned them inside at night.
On a bright, sunny Saturday morning a couple of weeks later, the well intended gardener sat and cut all the taties up on the above-pictured table and let them sit to "cure" with thoughts of putting them in the garden the next morning.
The well intended gardener went through the day puttering around the yard and gardens, doing chores, talking to the birds and bees and telling all the plants how wonderful they all are. It was indeed a picture, perfect day. But, (enter bad guy music) good ole Mother Nature decided to have a sense of humor and bestow upon us some much needed rain. The well intended gardener quickly gathered all the cut taties and put them back in the mesh bags they were shipped in and brought them inside so they wouldn't get wet and moldy.
Forward two weeks later, taties still inside in mesh bags, gardener no where to be seen.
Finally, the well intended gardener came back to her taties, tells them how sorry she is and that she has just been sooo busy and then happily takes the "taties who forgave her" out to be put in the ground only to discover they had a fungus among us. Quickly, the well intended gardener hits the interenet. Google - planting moldy potato's. Oh, it was ugly. There was no way to resusitate the moldy taties without contaminating the soil in which they were to grow.
So, the well intended gardener now hangs her head in shame at the death of the little taties and consequently will not have them grace her garden. It's a stiff punishement, but, it fits the crime.
Friday, June 4, 2010
Peaceful Fridays.....
My mantra for this weekend - "I have a strong back".
May your weekend outlook forecast something a little lighter!
Have a peaceful weekend, y'all.............
Thursday, June 3, 2010
This mornings harvest.....
The morning is also when I like to harvest before I water or weed. Today I filled my bushel basket with more spinach and lettuce. We're nearing the end of these two delicacies until fall and I want to get every last bite I can.
Hopefully I'll be catching up with all your blogs in the next day or two and also will be posting pics of the raised bed garden and what's been taking place in there. I will have to update on my potato negligence and the expensive results of that, too. Hey, gotta show the good and the bad.
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