Monday, November 29, 2010

For the love of the music.....

The essence of traditional Irish music is the house session. This is how it all began.
Folks would gather in the kitchen and play tunes, tell stories and jokes, sing songs, and even dance if there was room enough.

Hubsters and I had a house session over the weekend and were delighted we had so many friends, old and new, come and share their talent and friendship with us.
We had quite the variety of players, I'm excited to say. Three fiddles, two banjo's, bouzouki, mandolin, bodhran, whistle, flute, two concertina's, and one jazzy clarinet player!

The craic was grand as was the music. Bad jokes and stories, great songs, and a warm bond was shared on this evening. This is what the music is all about.

With such grand craic on Saturday night and the glass being passed over my lips time and time again, Sunday was spent quietly trying to crochet, reflecting in my journal, and just some much needed down time.

All in all, it was a wonderful weekend. Hope yours was the same.

Friday, November 26, 2010

Peaceful Fridays.....

Feeling a little "wide" in the end after all that turkey yesterday? Does the door frame seem a little narrower?

Well, lucky for us it's Friday and we have the whole weekend to repent for our gluttonous sins of yesterday.

Have a peaceful, waddily weekend, y'all.....

Tuesday, November 23, 2010


The cranberry sauce is made, the bread is cubed and getting stale for stuffing, and the cranberry orange bread is fresh from the oven.

Tomorrow night friends, Thursday family, and Saturday a house session.
Family, friends, and music.
I have a lot to be thankful for.

I have a 5:30am wake up call for work and the coffee is set to greet me at the same time.

So, with all this being said, I wish all my friends in blog world a very Happy Thanksgiving Day.
Doesn't matter if you celebrate a particular day - everyday there is something to be thankful for.
Happy Turkey Day!!

p.s. - I must have been really tired last night. I forgot to title the post. It was a long day.....or I'm just getting old....

Monday, November 22, 2010

Just for a grin.....

So, what do you get when you have someone who is an insomniac, agnostic, and dyslexic?

Someone who lies awake at night wondering if there really is a dog....

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Taking time to connect....

This is the progress to date on the greenhouse. Couple more tweeks and it will be done. It assembled quite easily and I'm pretty happy with its strength and structure. The test will be how warm it will actually stay inside during the coldest months.

Today was what I call a "piddlin" day-you know, you putz around doing this and that, or, nothing at all. I chose to spend part of my day curled up in a comfy chair doing some herb courses and some soul re-connecting.

I love my living room. I love the deep orange and the warmth it radiates. It's the type of room that draws you in and beckons for you to sit for a while. It didn't get any argument from me today! Now mind, I did my outside chores early. I let the girls out into the frosty, morning air to scratch around for some treats and while they were busy outside, I humped the 50lb bag of feed and refilled their bins, mucked out the coop, and refreshed the nest boxes. After the chicken chores were done, I gathered up my gear for the trot around the yard dog poop expedition and waste management!

After the outside chores were done, I sat down to make some more smudge sticks from sage and lavender I harvested earlier in the year. I love making smudge sticks. It's a project of meditative value to me. In other words, you're so focused at the task at hand that your mind doesn't wander to all the woes and worries that are normally running around in there. Another reason I love to make these is that the kitchen smells fantastic as you're making them!

Finally, I'll leave you with my meager harvest of the day - white sage, lavender, and an egg.

It's not much, but, it's still a gift.

Friday, November 19, 2010

Peaceful Fridays.....

Having pets has been proven to have health benefits to owner and pet.
With that being said, make sure you get plenty of the above this weekend.

Your endorphins will love you for it.

Have a peaceful weekend, y'all.......

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Smiles come even at a gas pump.....

This morning I had to stop to get petrol for my commute into the office which is not a rare occurrence-I do it once a week. But the stars had something else in store for me today. They wanted to shine some good karma on waning woman.

As I pulled into the station next to a pump, I noticed a young man pushing while steering his lumbering old Buick toward one of the pumps. He was out of gas in the car and he was starting to run out of it himself. I quick hopped out of my car and gladly help him push his car the rest of the way to the pump. Just as we were nearing the pump, another woman came towards us and asked is we needed help. At this point he was at the pump and told her no thank you, but, thanks for the offer.

This young man was maybe 19 at the most, scruffy, a little on the, ah, shall we say, not the most hygenic lad I've ever met, but, with a most endearing smile that lit the morning like sunrise breaking out through a mountain mist. He thanked me profusely then went in to pre-pay for his gas. In the meantime, I did my thing and got back in my car to start on my merry way. Before I could pull away from the pump, the young man came over again to thank me and hoped I wouldn't think of him as a "charity" case by needing help. I told him I thought nothing of the sort and that I was glad I was able to help.

As I pulled out of the gas station, I glanced one more time at the young man who smiled at me again and then did something I haven't seen done in a long time - he flashed me the peace sign.

What a warm way to start your morning and mellow a bitter heart.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010


There have been several events of late that have had me in a most annoyed state. Quite honestly, it's zapping my energy and interest in a lot of activities, with blogging being one of them - hence the sparce posts. I choose not to go into the details, but, wanted y'all to know I'm reading, just not posting or commenting. My hearts just not into it.

It'll all come full circle eventually.

Friday, November 12, 2010

Peaceful Fridays.....

Doesn't matter if you live in one of these or....

a humble abode like this - remember to get out for a "stretch of the legs" this weekend.

Life is out there waiting for you.

Have a peaceful weekend, y'all..........

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Hiding in the woods....

I have been told that all good things must come to an end, and so, with that being said, today marks the end of a much too short vacation.

Hubsters and I decided to vacation from everything for a while - work, household chores, dogs, chickens. It has been a much needed relief. I know by tomorrow morning, not long into the day, it will feel like we never even had a vacation. So goes the circle of the American Dream...

We went to the mountains not far from home and cooped up in this little gem. Just us, food, wine, hiking boots, and our instruments. No schedule. No alarm clock. Barely a thought. Freedom from the day to day responsibilities.

It was bliss....

We hiked familiar trails under a beautiful fall sky with nothing but the sound of the fallen leaves crunching noisily beneath our feet. We took photographs of leaves and lichen, trees and rocks. We studied the bark and shapes of different trees. We lost ourselves in the heady scent of fall.

It was bliss....

We warmed our chilled bodies by the light of the fire and filled our noses and mouths with the sensual taste of grapes aged in oak barrels. We'd stand outside under the stars in the cold, frosty night then run inside to warm ourselves and refill our glasses.

It was bliss....

We played our wood and wire making sweet music long into the evening hours. We danced and laughed and laughed and danced then made music again. The resonation made from our instruments have left an impression within the walls and a story to tell to those who wish to listen. Shhh.... I hear a fiddle and laughter.

It was bliss....

I can't think of a better way to spend an anniversary.

Tá sé a ghra mo chroí
Is tú mo ghrá

Friday, November 5, 2010

Peaceful Fridays.....

Sometimes you need a reminder that the small things in life...

create the whole.....

Have a peaceful weekend, y'all.........

*Been away on vacation and hope to catch up with eveyone soon!*